[Qgis-developer] a few questions on qgis server/wfs

Giovanni Manghi giovanni.manghi at faunalia.pt
Fri Jun 29 11:27:19 PDT 2012

Hi all,

I have set up a fair large project to be used to serve wfs layers with
qgis server.

I'm noticing a few things and I would like to have feedback to
understand if are local issues or not.

*) the layer list in the qgis client is presented in reverse alphabetic order.

*) if in the "display name" attribute of a layer there are chars like "/", ":", "-", then the qgis wfs client
fails to download correctly such layers. Is this a standard problem that does not
allow such chars? 

No problems with such chars in the "title" and "abstract" fields of the "metadata" tab.

*) I noticed that a particular wfs layer was apparently loaded correctly with the qgis client
but then I discovered it had an empty table of attributes. Looking into the table of the original vector
(postgis) I discovered that a column name had garbled title because of some kind of encoding issue (probably
coming from the original shapefile rather then a import problem into postgis). I fixed the title
and the layer loaded correctly as wfs layer.

Thanks in advance

-- Giovanni --

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