[Qgis-developer] [hackfest] documentation tasks

MORREALE Jean Roc jr.morreale at enoreth.net
Fri Mar 30 11:24:35 EDT 2012

Le 30/03/2012 14:46, Yves Jacolin a écrit :
> Hello,
> For the hackfest, any plans to work on the documentation? We don't need to
> translate so I am wondering if there are other tasks that we (francophone
> community) could work on.
> Jean-Roc, Otto, Vincent, others: any idea?
> I would like to think a little bit about this before the hackfest as I have
> several question about this.
> Thanks,
> Y.

I saw Paolo Corti talking about rst on the list last week, I've 
Salvatore Larosa's work on rst for the dev-cookbook, etc.

Is there a possibility of finally making a step, even if it's one I 
don't like, adn start converting latex to rst ?

If not I'll work on the ui, the help file, etc. as I've not been able to 
work on these last month.

For the french contributors, a taskforce called "no plugin left 
untranslated" could be created :)

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