[Qgis-developer] This had escaped me!

Salvatore Larosa lrssvtml at gmail.com
Wed May 9 07:40:22 PDT 2012

Il giorno mer, 09/05/2012 alle 14.41 +0100, Giovanni Manghi ha scritto:
> Thanks, it works.
> I just noticed that today the only way to add a zipped shape is through
> the browser and the add vector layer dialog, drag and drop and CLI all
> return "is not a valid or recognized data source". If is a zipped raster
> all methods work fine.
> Can you confirm?
> cheers

Hi Giovanni,
here drag&drop it in MapCanvas works fine!
but only with zipped files containing a single dataset!
Before it was not so! I could choose which dataset import from a popup
What is changed?

Salvatore Larosa
linkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/larosasalvatore
twitter: @lrssvt
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