[Qgis-developer] Fwd: Threads in sextante

Victor Olaya volayaf at gmail.com
Fri May 11 00:25:09 PDT 2012

>> What should be the benefit of multithreading here? To run algorithms
>> outside from main thread so that GUI does not get blocked?
> IMHO this is the main reason; I think the way GDALTools work is fine for the user.
> All the best.

I agree with Paolo. That is the main reason. Executing several
algorithms at the same tiem means more complexity not only because all
the reasons mentioned before, but also in the design of SEXTANTE,
since the result of one algorithm might modify the inputs available
for a different one, and tracking all that can be hard as well.

Of course, this could be done in the future, but for now, an within
GSoC, if we get to run algorihtms in a separate thread robustly and
they do not block the GUI I will be more than happy.


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