[Qgis-developer] new regression on to-be 1.8: crs attribution on
newly loaded layer broken
Mathieu Pellerin
nirvn.asia at gmail.com
Mon May 14 21:18:10 PDT 2012
Something's seriously wrong with CRS attribution for newly added layers in
qgis-master (soon to be 1.8). I have no idea what is happening, however the
steps below will reproduce the issue:
1) Add moeareas.shp (uploaded as attachment in issue 5598:
http://hub.qgis.org/issues/5598) to a QGIS project
2) Open the Properties dialog and go to the General tab
3) Take note of the custom CRS applied to the layer
The above shapefile's coordinate reference system is EPSG:3148, defined as
"+proj=utm +zone=48 +a=6377276.345 +b=6356075.41314024
+towgs84=198,881,317,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs"
The custom CRS created by qgis 1.8 when loading the above shapefile:
"+proj=utm +zone=48 +a=6377276.345 +b=6356075.41314024 +units=m +no_defs"
QGIS 1.7.x correctly attributes the newly loaded layer its proper CRS
(EPSG:3148); QGIS 1.8 however creates the custom CRS with the exact same
projection settings (minus the +towgs84). Something must be wrong in the
CRS attribution algorithm / function.
This issue leads to misalignment with on-the-fly re-projection projects in
which WGS84 layers & UTM layers are mixed together.
It's a pretty serious regression from 1.7.x and it's present on windows and
linux. Issue reported: http://hub.qgis.org/issues/5598.
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