[Qgis-developer] Server features

kimaidou kimaidou at gmail.com
Wed Nov 14 10:13:38 PST 2012

Hi all

Some ideas :

* templates for HTML popups (already done this in Lizmap, but why not
having it in Qgis)
* tile generator : I agree with Giovanni Allegri, beginning with a mbtiles
generator from a layer/a group in Qgis would be a first step, as Tim
suggested in Lyon hackfest. But why not having the powerfull mapcache being
able to read QGIS projects as well.
* WPS : we could also expose some QGIS method to provide WPS. In the
beginning, simple things as buffer, etc. (based on new QgsExpressions
capabilities : geometry and python/C defined functions), and later (more
manpower needed), it could be great to have Sextante internal methodes
totally decoupled from gui, so that QGIS Server can use Sextante for WPS

Good evening

2012/11/14 G. Allegri <giohappy at gmail.com>

> > - integrated tiling
>> Why not integrating mapcache directly to mutualize effort on this part ?
>> Mapcache can be used standalone, and could read its parameters directly
>> from a
>> qgis configuration file. No need to reinvent the wheel here, or would
>> there be a
>> good reason to it ?
> I think that a tile generator from the QGis Desktop side would suffice.
> Any other TMS/WMS-T server could use the tile structure.
>> > - mask layers
>> That would be great to have in QGIS indeed. It would mean having for each
>> layer an attached mask layer, which is not displayed but only used to
>> define
>> hidden places.
>> > - symbol placement
>> > - label offsets
>> That's for qgis symbology, not directly a qgis server issue. Label offset
>> in
>> mapserver definitly looks cool !
> I agree Vincent.
>> Vincent
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