[Qgis-developer] Saving expressions

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Thu Oct 18 15:05:13 PDT 2012

Il 19/10/2012 00:01, Nathan Woodrow ha scritto:
> Hey Paolo,
> Yes I have thought about this, just never got the time to flesh it out.
> What would peoples choice be for saving expressions. I have thought
> about the last 10 used but having them per layer could be handy to, or
> maybe both.
To me, having them per layer, and loading them automatically if saved
with the same name, seems the most logical way.

Paolo Cavallini - Faunalia
Full contact details at www.faunalia.eu/pc
Nuovi corsi QGIS e PostGIS: http://www.faunalia.it/calendario

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