[Qgis-developer] Nightly builds of master branch for Mac

Larry Shaffer larrys at dakotacarto.com
Thu Sep 13 10:09:29 PDT 2012

Hi Gene,

On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 9:41 AM, gene <martin.laloux at gmail.com> wrote:
> Congratulations, but I have to say that that the planned obsolescence strikes
> back, nothing for Snow Leopard...
> How do you manage the change of OS so quickly ?
> Personally, I do not have time, with a stable Snow Leopard for work (I need
> Rosetta), while my Mac is now a little more than two years old...
> Lion was released in 2011 and Mountain Lion, in 2012, what next in 2013 ?

I feel your pain. As someone who works in IT, I find the new rate of
Apple's OS versions very problematic. I am just now moving all of the
Macs I manage over to Lion (at a company full of geologists, btw).
Snow Leopard was quicker and so much more stable, though.

> If I want to test this version, I need to migrate or learn to compile QGIS
> (take some time, i am geologist and not a programmer). It's very frustrating
> and I do not think that I was alone .

Sorry about the frustration. It is really just an issue (for the most
part) with which system Python version is supported. William's
installers manage both versions of Python, relative to OS being
installed on [0]. My nightly builds are only compiled against the
system Python version 2.7, Snow Leopard only comes with up to 2.6. I
suppose I could just as easily make a second build that supports
Python 2.6. That would be considerably easier for me than trying to
automate creating an installer package.

I will look into this today and get back to you.

[0] https://dl.dropbox.com/u/4058089/qgis/installer_python.png

> I thank William for still thinking of us but for how long ?

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