[Qgis-developer] Contract for QGIS based application development.

pcreso at pcreso.com pcreso at pcreso.com
Wed Apr 10 19:26:25 PDT 2013


The organisation I work for, NIWA in New Zealand is looking to replace an aging application.


The specs are pretty clear from the description & old program available at this site, we can discuss details on the data entry protocols to be used, but given our normal workflows are very OGC oriented, it is likely that an O&M or WFS based approach would be preferred for uploads & downloads.

At this stage I'm looking for anyone who may be interested in undertaking this work, and supporting it into the future.

I'm not sure if a QGIS plugin architecture would be suitable, but would like to be able to contribute as much of the development as possible back to the QGIS community.

We'd like this to be based on QGIS 2.0, with a completion date ideally by the end of June.

Please let me know if you are interested.


   Brent Wood
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