[Qgis-developer] symbology-ng-style.db and symbology-ng-style.xml

Borys Jurgiel lists at borysjurgiel.pl
Fri Apr 12 03:39:07 PDT 2013

Dnia piątek, 12 kwietnia 2013 o 11:36:10 Jürgen E. Fischer napisał(a):
> Hi,
> On Fri, 12. Apr 2013 at 11:06:42 +0300, Borys Jurgiel wrote:
> > Dnia pi??tek, 12 kwietnia 2013 o 00:11:15 Nathan Woodrow napisa??(a):
> > > Hey Borys,
> > > 
> > > No that is no longer used.  Everything is in the sqlite db.
> > 
> > Thanks! However, as we have the symbol_xml2db.py script, I think we can
> > keep the xml file just for easier edits.
> Can we be sure that only the xml file gets edited or do we need a
> xml2db_symbol.py to avoid loosing updates?
> Jürgen

Currently xml2db_symbol.py needs to remove the existing db file, because it 
only can INSERT and not UPDATE records. Of course we can't be sure, so we 
could at least implement UPDATE to avoid removing the records existing only in 
db file, but I can't imagine how to avoid overwritting more recent records with 
older xml data. I don't know if it's worth the effort while it's all in git.

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