[Qgis-developer] Console API auto-completion prepared file (.pap)

Larry Shaffer larrys at dakotacarto.com
Sat Aug 31 13:21:46 PDT 2013

Hi Salvatore,

Sorry to keep messing with this, but it was causing a build error. I
reverted adding of qsci-pap-master target, leaving it similar to as before,
excepting the convenience target of qsci-pap-src.

WITH_QSCIAPI is now marked as advanced, to keep casual users from thinking
they need to regenerate the .pap file as part of building.

Here is why I think this is the simplest, most versatile solution:

*Casual user/dev who compiles/installs QGIS*
Everything works as before with the default pre-prepared pyqgis.pap in
source tree used. No generation of .pap occurs. PyQGIS.api is still built
by default and the target for qsci-pap-src is just created.

*QGIS dev working on bindings*
Making qsci-pap-src will update the default .pap in source tree, which will
be used when running from build directory or install during binding
testing. If the dev is ready to commit, the already-updated .pap includes
the latest completions, and everyone benefits. We can use git to revert any
fouled-up .pap that may make its way into the repo. This assumes the
committing dev actually ran qsci-pap-src. If not, then any other dev can
easily do so, updating their source tree, then commit the new default .pap.

I am really done messing with this now. :^) If you have better solution,
please let me know.



On Sat, Aug 31, 2013 at 12:37 PM, Larry Shaffer <larrys at dakotacarto.com>wrote:

> Hi Salvatore,
> On Sat, Aug 31, 2013 at 7:58 AM, Salvatore Larosa <lrssvtml at gmail.com>wrote:
>> ok Larry, your last commit works fine only I was wonder might be a
>> problem to edit the source tree file pyqgis.pap by running the qsci-pap-src
>> target ? just curiosity!
> I'm not sure I understand your question. Doing periodic updates to the
> pyqgis.pap in source keeps from forcing everyone who compiles the source to
> also generate that file. There is no simple means for checking when the API
> has changed (except maybe SHA comparisons of the API file). Without such a
> check, the generation of that file may often be unnecessary, but still done.
> Everyone benefits if that file is kept up to date in the source tree. For
> example, the one I replaced with the initial commit was 11 months old,
> missing many completions for new functions.
> Alternatively, we can set it up similar to what you were suggesting. Let
> me know what you think would be a better solution.
> Regards,
> Larry
>> Tonight I'll push the updated API files (GDAL/OGR-1.10.0,QScintilla-2.7.2
>> and GEOS-3.4.2 ) and will add the GEOS-3.4.2 APIs to the default .pap file.
>> Thanks for the clarification !
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