[Qgis-developer] Dual View: Call for feedback

Matthias Kuhn matthias.kuhn at gmx.ch
Mon Feb 11 05:02:25 PST 2013

Hi Josef

On 02/11/2013 01:19 PM, Josef K wrote:
> Hi Matthias
> It works fine now. The warnings remains unchanged but I can open the 
> attribute tables for vector layers without a defined display field.
> As you said, custom edit forms integrate quite nicely, at least if 
> they are well designed to start with. I had a few forms which did not 
> fit too well into the dual view window but I will just change from 
> horizontal to vertical layout and everything will be fine.
> My overall impression is that it looks nice and that the dual view 
> will be a great enhancement.
> One thing that confused me a bit is that my selection in the map, 
> which corresponds to the same selection in the classic attribute 
> table, is not seen in the new 'feature list vew' (what is it called?)
I still call it "feature list" but if you have a good idea, please let 
me know. (In code the name QgsFeatureList is already used for 
QList<QgsFeature>, so it would be good in order to prevent confusion)

> . I can see there are advantages with this approach but I think it 
> would cause less confusion if there was the same selection in all 
> three 'vews': map-attribute table-feature list. See this [1] example 
> where a user may be mislead to fill in data for well02 since that is 
> selected on map, or well01 since that is highlighted in the list.
Yes, it seems that there is still a problem and room for discussion.

It seems, that the selection on the map and in the list is not always in 
sync yet. So in your case either well01 should be selected in the list 
and the map or in either of them. I'll have a look at this asap.

The selection and the currently edited feature both need to be 
highlighted in the feature list. The icon and selection could be 
switched (so, as the icon indicates the selection status and the list 
selection the currently edited feature).
My feeling was, that the blue selection should be used to indicate the 
same thing in the table and the list. But opinions are divided here.
Another reason for keeping it that way is, that all the complex 
selection handling (mouse-drag, ctrl-press, shift-press etc.) is done by 
Qt for the list selection, while for the icons it has to be reimplemented.

> I also thought of another possible enhancement related to non-spatial 
> tables. When I have a table loaded into qgis as a non-spatial vector 
> layer, then I use the plus sign in the attribute table to add features 
> - and an edit form pops up. I think it would be nice if that edit form 
> showed up in the new attribute table feature list view instead. 
> Because, when it comes to non-spatial data, I see no reason to have 
> that edit form pop-up on the of the map view. (But of course this is 
> the preferred behaviour when adding new features to a spatial layer.)
+1 from me

> Anyway, the dual-view seems like a great improvement and I appreciate 
> that. Thank you!
> Regards
> Josef
> [1] 
> https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B1vhrFUx2OZBSjRpSkozenFQRnc/edit?usp=sharing
>     From: Matthias Kuhn <matthias.kuhn at gmx.ch
>     <mailto:matthias.kuhn at gmx.ch>>
>     To: qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org
>     <mailto:qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org>
>     Date: Sat, 09 Feb 2013 13:04:06 +0100
>     Subject: Re: [Qgis-developer] Dual View: Call for feedback
>     Hi Josef,
>     I fixed an issue which could be responsible for the problem you
>     described.
>     The mentioned popup also appeared if there is a) no display field
>     defined and b) no primary key defined. In this case the list will
>     now display all fields, separated by a comma.
>     Regards,
>     Matthias
>     On 02/09/2013 12:07 PM, Matthias Kuhn wrote:
>         Hi Josef,
>         Thank you for testing
>         Custom edit forms should integrate nicely with dual view
>         (Custom .ui-forms or Drag and drop forms).
>         You can ignore all these warnings, they shouldn't harm. As far
>         as I can see, the exception points to the real problem
>         connected to qgsexpression.
>         In the feature list, the preview text uses qgsexpression and
>         tries to display by default (in this order)
>         - display field ( vector layer property )
>         - primary key (in case of multiple pk's separated by a comma )
>         Maybe your display field name has special characters (spaces...)?
>         Would it be possible to let me have a look at the qgs-File you
>         loaded?
>         Regards,
>         Matthias
>         On 02/07/2013 11:05 PM, Josef K wrote:
>             Hi Matthias
>             I wanted to see how custom edit forms will be integrated
>             with the dual view, in particular a few forms that I use
>             quite a lot (see [1] and [2]). Therefore I tried to build
>             qgis from your dual-view source but I must have done
>             something wrong. I got qgis running but when I load a
>             vector layer I get these warnings:
>             Warning: Object::connect: No such signal
>             QgsVectorLayer::layerModified( bool )
>             Warning: Object::connect:  (receiver name: 'QgisApp')
>             When I try to open the attribute table an exception pop-up
>             says "Syntax error, unexpected $end". The terminal shows:
>             Warning: Object::connect: No such signal
>             QgsAttributeTableView::progress( int, bool & )
>             Warning: Object::connect:  (sender name:   'mTableView')
>             Warning: Object::connect:  (receiver name:
>             'QgsAttributeTableDialog')
>             Warning: Object::connect: No such slot
>             QgsAttributeTableDialog::finished()
>             Warning: Object::connect:  (sender name:   'mTableView')
>             Warning: Object::connect:  (receiver name:
>             'QgsAttributeTableDialog')
>             Warning: QLayout: Cannot add null widget to
>             QVBoxLayout/mAttributeEditorLayout
>             I guess this is my fault not being able to build correctly
>             from source and I will probably not spend more time
>             trying. Still, I thought I would give you this short
>             report and also point out that we are a few users that are
>             highly interested in how the dual view will integrate with
>             custom edit forms. Perhaps there could be an extra slide
>             in your presentation that gives an example of that?
>             kind regards
>             Josef
>             [1]
>             https://sites.google.com/site/midvattenpluginforqgis/nnnn#TOC-Add-single-water-level-measurement-or-single-stratigraphy-layer-information
>             [2]
>             https://sites.google.com/site/midvattenpluginforqgis/nnnn#TOC-Add-observation-points-and-lines
>                 From: Matthias Kuhn <matthias.kuhn at gmx.ch
>             <mailto:matthias.kuhn at gmx.ch>
>                 <mailto:matthias.kuhn at gmx.ch
>             <mailto:matthias.kuhn at gmx.ch>>>
>                 To: QGIS Developer Mailing List
>             <qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org
>             <mailto:qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org>
>                 <mailto:qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org
>             <mailto:qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org>>>
>                 Cc:
>                 Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2013 15:11:01 +0100
>                 Subject: [Qgis-developer] Dual View: Call for feedback
>                 Hi everybody,
>                 I'm pleased to announce that I've pushed the current
>             state of
>                 dual-view to github [1]
>                 Anybody interested in having a look at it is kindly
>             requested to
>                 do so and share his thoughts concerning the development.
>                 Anybody who does not want or can't compile the branch
>             can easily
>                 have a look at the slides from this presentation [2]
>             which should
>                 cover the basics as well (There's a small sample video
>             to show the
>                 live filter inside).
>                 Any feedback is appreciated.
>                 If there is no strong rejection of these ideas, I'd
>             like to
>                 request a merge in two weeks, after I cleaned up the
>             code and
>                 reviewed the code for layers with no "feature by id"
>             capabilities
>                 (which need to be fully cached).
>                 I will be out of office next week, so please bear with
>             me, if I
>                 only reply to your feedback in the second week of
>             February.
>                 Kind regards,
>                 Matthias
>                 [1]
>             https://github.com/matthias-kuhn/Quantum-GIS/tree/dual-view
>             <https://github.com/matthias-kuhn/Quantum-GIS/tree/dual-view>
>                 [2]
>             http://qgis.vitu.ch/download/dual-view-presentation.odp
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