[Qgis-developer] Download stats

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Fri Feb 22 23:05:02 PST 2013

On 22-02-13 11:26, Nathan Woodrow wrote:

> Would the plugin installer be able to give us a good idea of users as it
> has to connect to the plugin repo and you could map IP address from there.

I think the plugin call backs + repo are a good idea. The IP address are 
a little sensitive info.
But he plugin is already connecting to our servers already, so if we 
maybe add a little info like:
- unique uuid, generated during instalL (in .qgis, just for counting)
- QGIS version used
- OS (and maybe type of installer?)

(if that is working, maybe we can add some more stats?)

Or is this too simple?



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