[Qgis-developer] Shipping SAGA with QGIS

Charlie Sharpsteen chuck at sharpsteen.net
Sun Feb 24 12:02:41 PST 2013

On Sun, Feb 24, 2013 at 11:07 AM, Phil Hess <macpgmr at fastermac.net> wrote:

> >>If you are talking about OS X, then `.app` bundles don't inherit
> environment variables from the same places Terminal apps do
> You are correct, sir, although in testing I see that it's not really a
> difference between .app GUI apps and console apps,

Bad wording on my part. The difference I was pointing out is indeed between
"stuff that is launched through the desktop, including methods like double
click" and "stuff that is launched through the command line, including
methods like running open".

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