[Qgis-developer] New OpenStreetMap integration

Borys Jurgiel lists at borysjurgiel.pl
Thu Feb 28 15:03:33 PST 2013

Dnia czwartek, 28 lutego 2013 o 23:48:48 Martin Dobias napisał(a):
> Hi Borys
> On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 11:36 PM, Borys Jurgiel <info at borysjurgiel.pl> 
> > Wow, great!
> > 
> > Unfortunately seems it doesn't work with Wheezy's Spatialite 3.0.0.
> > Tomorrow I'll try to compile a newer version and test it.
> I have 3.1.0-rc2 on my computer - what's the problem in your installation?
> > Anyway, it would be nice to have it in Debian working out of the box.
> > Maybe updating the very outdated internal Spatialite (what is its
> > current status and purposes?) would solve the problem?
> I would like to have it working with any reasonable SpatiaLite version
> - with more details on the error I will try to fix it.
> Martin

First, InitSpatialMetadata() doesn't accept any parameters (AFAIK before 
version 3.0.2). After removing the crs string from there the conversion went 
with no errors, but the created db has no geometry columns. 
Here are the osm & db files: http://tmp.borysjurgiel.pl/testosm.tar.gz

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