[Qgis-developer] Color of selected rows in table

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Mon Jul 1 07:13:45 PDT 2013


 On QGIS master in Windows I have the issue that the selected rows (when 
 I select the features in the map) in the table are not salient enough. 
 They appear in a very similar light gray as every odd row. This means I 
 cannot easily distinguish an odd row from a selected row. See this 
 screenshot here: 

 This is only an issue with the Windows version, not on Ubuntu/KDE, 
 where these selected rows appear in light blue.

 The other funny thing is that, if I select the rows in the table (and 
 not through the map) they appear in a blue color (see htank 
 tp://webgis.uster.ch/temp/selected_rows_picked_from_table.png). In my 
 opinion there should not be different colors whether you select objects 
 in the table or in the map.

 Can other Windows users of QGIS master confirm my issues?

 Thank you,

 Andreas Neumann
 Böschacherstrasse 10A
 8624 Grüt (Gossau ZH)

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