[Qgis-developer] Color of selected rows in table

Matthias Kuhn matthias.kuhn at gmx.ch
Mon Jul 1 07:55:08 PDT 2013


But as soon as you scroll, all the gray rows turn blue. Can you pleas 
open a bug for this.


On Mon 01 Jul 2013 16:13:45 CEST, Andreas Neumann wrote:
> Hi,
> On QGIS master in Windows I have the issue that the selected rows
> (when I select the features in the map) in the table are not salient
> enough. They appear in a very similar light gray as every odd row.
> This means I cannot easily distinguish an odd row from a selected row.
> See this screenshot here:
> http://webgis.uster.ch/temp/selected_rows_picked_from_map.png
> This is only an issue with the Windows version, not on Ubuntu/KDE,
> where these selected rows appear in light blue.
> The other funny thing is that, if I select the rows in the table (and
> not through the map) they appear in a blue color (see htank
> tp://webgis.uster.ch/temp/selected_rows_picked_from_table.png). In my
> opinion there should not be different colors whether you select
> objects in the table or in the map.
> Can other Windows users of QGIS master confirm my issues?
> Thank you,
> Andreas

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