[Qgis-developer] incoherent and unproffesional icons (regression)

Anita Graser anitagraser at gmx.at
Sat Jul 6 04:04:09 PDT 2013

On Sat, Jul 6, 2013 at 11:35 AM, Borys Jurgiel <lists at borysjurgiel.pl>wrote:

> Hi,
> Some new svg icons (all the wrenches, hammers and screwdrivers) are
> completely
> out of the palette. Those icons in options or layer properties dialogs are
> much more colorful and complicated than other icons [1]. Sorry to say that,
> but it looks awful to me :) I'd either ask Robert if he has a svg version
> somewhere (although he's probably quite busy right now) or leave png (the
> property icons are not supposed to scale AFAIK). Making svg at all cost is
> not
> the right way IMHO and the recent look is a regression for me.

Some really are regressions in my view as well. Please consult with Robert
and work on consistency.
Layer Properties | General icon now does not fit at all.
I don't think there was urgent need to rework icons which already fit the
"gis" theme. Rather get the remaining odd ones (e.g add oracle layer) done.

Best wishes,
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