[Qgis-developer] Fixing blockers & high priority bugs

Régis Haubourg regis.haubourg at eau-adour-garonne.fr
Wed Jul 31 00:04:40 PDT 2013

Tim Sutton-4 wrote
> Otherwise we must start thinking seriously about releasing with a list of
> 'known issues'. As currently stands, that list would contain*:
> The SVG marker window has several bugs related to SVG parameters
> Wrong font display in qgis server
> Polygons digitized in Postgis layer with "Avoid Intersections"
> WFS-T and postgis: "ERROR: null value in column "gid" violates not-null
> constraint" when adding features
> Point pattern fill: invalid scaling of displacements when printing or
> writing PDF from composer
> Symbology: Get rid of duplicate functionality "line decoration"
> Blocker Measurements in degrees even when meters are chosen as map units
> Print as raster doesn't work
> Large memory used with map units symbology at large scales
> VRT file opens instantly in 1.8, not opened after 10 mins on Master
> QGIS does not deal with shapefiles with two fields with the same name
> * http://hub.qgis.org/projects/quantum-gis/issues?query_id=23
> Tim

is this a sort of Release Candidate? 
Looking at the blocker list remaining, 'print as raster' and "pdf from
composer" can't be kept as know issues even for a release candidate. The
other are woraroundable (I hope that work exists !)


View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/Fixing-blockers-high-priority-bugs-tp5069530p5069792.html
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