[Qgis-developer] Postgres Audit Trigger plugin: beta-tester & feedback

Ivan Mincik ivan.mincik at gmail.com
Wed May 22 04:53:42 PDT 2013

Hi Denis,
I have found a problem. The problem was that menu item 'Define logged
action layer' was confusing for me and I was choosing my PostGIS geometry
layer there. I recommend to rename it to something like 'Choose audit
history table' (avoid using 'layer') with some description that the table
should be loaded to QGIS. Now 'search history' windows opens correctly.

Also I recommend to exclude at least any geometry tables from 'logged
action layer chooser' dialog and also exclude 'history table' from choosing
itself from selecbox in 'search history' window.

One more question, how do you activate audit if table exists in some schema
outside of default search_path ? Using

SELECT audit.audit_table('<schema>.<table>');

is not working for me.

I have found some other bugs which will be better to submit in bug tracker.
Do you have some ?

 I have hesitated with creating something like your approach, but I decided
> to use something which is "official". As, the trigger is available on
> postgres website, I hope it will last a bit.

I see one big disadvantage with this Audit trigger implementation which is
performance, if history of all tables is recorded to one huge table. If you
have many changes in one big table it will affect all other. Moreover I am
missing tests (which of course can be added).


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