[Qgis-developer] the new Plugin Manager

Nathan Woodrow madmanwoo at gmail.com
Mon May 27 05:27:45 PDT 2013

Hey Borys,

That looks bloody great!  Going to give it a test soon.

- Nathan

On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 10:23 PM, Borys Jurgiel <lists at borysjurgiel.pl>wrote:

> Hi All,
> The new manager is ready. Here is a screenshot for impatient ones :)
> http://tmp.borysjurgiel.pl/manager4.png
> The code is in a branch "newmanager":
> http://hub.qgis.org/projects/quantum-gis/repository/revisions/5ee09d362148c411047a0fc7bc22679d9989f771
> As it affects a number of classes, please review the architecture summary
> below and if there is no veto, it's ready to be merged to master.
> Otherewise I'll
> make requested changes before merging.
> *QgsPluginItem*
> ==========
> Removed. It only used in the old manager and wasn't usefull anymore.
> *QgsDetailedItemData, QgsDetailedItemDelegate and QgsDetailedItemWidget*
> ==========
> Untouched. It was used in the old manager and Grass Plugin, now it's used
> exclusively by Grass Plugin.
> *QgsPluginMedatadata*
> ==========
> Untouched, however I propose to rename it to QgsPluginItem or
> QgsPluginRegistryItem
> for consistency. It's only used in QgsPluginRegistry and it mainly
> conatains
> pointers to loaded plugins instances, while its name may imply a rich
> metadata
> map. If some day during QGIS 2.x lifetime the Manager will need a separate
> class
> for storing rich metadata (now QMap is enough), and it would be nice to
> use this name.
> *QgsPluginRegistry*
> ==========
> Info: This class is a registry for instances of lodaded plugins. It has
> nothing to to
> with metadata and it works independently from the manager, just by
> restoring
> session plugins from QSettings. Manager only calls its method to load and
> unload plugins.
> Small change: as it already had methods loadCppPlugin() and
> loadPythonPlugin(),
> I've added also unloadCppPlugin() and unloadPythonPlugin() too keep the
> loading/unloading stuff in one place.
> Diff:
> http://hub.qgis.org/projects/quantum-gis/repository/revisions/5ee09d362148c411047a0fc7bc22679d9989f771/diff/src/app/qgspluginregistry.h
> http://hub.qgis.org/projects/quantum-gis/repository/revisions/5ee09d362148c411047a0fc7bc22679d9989f771/diff/src/app/qgspluginregistry.cpp
> *QgsPluginManager*
> ==========
> Completely rewritten and moved to src/app/pluginmanager/ subdirectory
> class for the dialog window. Important facts:
> 1) It keeps plugin metadata registry just in nested QMap:
> QMap< QString, QMap<QString,QString> >   mPlugins;
> where the first key is library/module basename, and the second one is
> attribute
> name. There was no need to create a separate class for storing metadata,
> however, some day it may become convinient to create a class called
> QgsPluginMedatadata.
> For this reason I propose to rename the current QgsPluginMedatadata
> (what actually has nothing to do with metadata) before releasing QGIS 2.0.
> The list of used attributes is provided in the "metadata" file and it's an
> unification
> of existing fields from repository xml, metadata.txt, the old installer
> and c++ plugins.
> QgsPluginManager populates this field (let's call it metadata registry)
> with
> c++ plugins when the window is opened. On the contrary, Python plugins
> are handled on Python's side and they are appended to mPlugins by API.
> 2) The plugin list view uses QStandardItemModel populated from mPlugins
> and also QgsPluginSortFilterProxyModel for filtering and sorting.
> 3) The html metadata browser is quite simple, and we can extend it in QGIS
> 2.1.
> For example, some tags can be clickable and set a new filter (filter by
> clicked
> author/tag/status). Also the separate buttons Install/Uninstall can be
> implemented by html "buttonsm", and the popup dialog with installation
> progress
> can be replaced by animated image (this way we don't freeze the gui when
> installing).
> Code:
> http://hub.qgis.org/projects/quantum-gis/repository/revisions/5ee09d362148c411047a0fc7bc22679d9989f771/entry/src/app/pluginmanager/qgspluginmanager.h
> http://hub.qgis.org/projects/quantum-gis/repository/revisions/5ee09d362148c411047a0fc7bc22679d9989f771/entry/src/app/pluginmanager/qgspluginmanager.cpp
> *QgsPluginSortFilterProxyModel*
> ==========
> New class: just a sort-filter proxy for the metadata. Filtering is done by
> status
> in the left list as well as name/description/tags/author in the filter
> input line.
> Sorting is done by rightclicking on the list. Foltering and sorting is
> based
> on a few user data roles. I tried to read necessary data from mPlugins
> everytime,
> but it affected the performance too much.
> Code:
> http://hub.qgis.org/projects/quantum-gis/repository/revisions/5ee09d362148c411047a0fc7bc22679d9989f771/entry/src/app/pluginmanager/qgspluginsortfilterproxymodel.h
> http://hub.qgis.org/projects/quantum-gis/repository/revisions/5ee09d362148c411047a0fc7bc22679d9989f771/entry/src/app/pluginmanager/qgspluginsortfilterproxymodel.cpp
> *QgsAppPluginManagerInterface, QgsPluginManagerInterface and SIP binding*
> ==========
> New classes: just the interface to QgsPluginManager. Is's exactly based
> on the existing Qgs(App)LegendInterface
> Code:
> http://hub.qgis.org/projects/quantum-gis/repository/revisions/5ee09d362148c411047a0fc7bc22679d9989f771/entry/python/gui/qgspluginmanagerinterface.sip
> http://hub.qgis.org/projects/quantum-gis/repository/revisions/5ee09d362148c411047a0fc7bc22679d9989f771/entry/src/gui/qgspluginmanagerinterface.h
> http://hub.qgis.org/projects/quantum-gis/repository/revisions/5ee09d362148c411047a0fc7bc22679d9989f771/entry/src/gui/qgspluginmanagerinterface.cpp
> http://hub.qgis.org/projects/quantum-gis/repository/revisions/5ee09d362148c411047a0fc7bc22679d9989f771/entry/src/app/pluginmanager/qgsapppluginmanagerinterface.h
> http://hub.qgis.org/projects/quantum-gis/repository/revisions/5ee09d362148c411047a0fc7bc22679d9989f771/entry/src/app/pluginmanager/qgsapppluginmanagerinterface.cpp
> QgisApp
> ==========
> Small change: initialize the QgsPluginManager and Python module
> pyplugin_installer in the constructor. Only open the QgsPluginManager
> window
> when called from the main menu.
> Diff:
> http://hub.qgis.org/projects/quantum-gis/repository/revisions/5ee09d362148c411047a0fc7bc22679d9989f771/diff/src/app/qgisapp.h
> http://hub.qgis.org/projects/quantum-gis/repository/revisions/5ee09d362148c411047a0fc7bc22679d9989f771/diff/src/app/qgisapp.cpp
> QgisAppInterface and QgisInterface and SIP binding
> ==========
> Small change: instantiate Qgs(App)PluginManagerInterface
> exactly the same way as Qgs(App)LegendInterface
> Diff:
> http://hub.qgis.org/projects/quantum-gis/repository/revisions/5ee09d362148c411047a0fc7bc22679d9989f771/diff/src/app/qgisappinterface.h
> http://hub.qgis.org/projects/quantum-gis/repository/revisions/5ee09d362148c411047a0fc7bc22679d9989f771/diff/src/app/qgisappinterface.cpp
> pyplugin_installer Python module
> ==========
> New python module in python/pyplugin_installer. It contains just slightly
> refactored
> code of the old plugin_installer plugin and provides backend for handling
> Python
> plugis, e.g.: fetching remote repositories, loading installed plugin
> metadata, finding
> upgradeable plugins, (un)installing python plugins etc. It's methods are
> called from
> QgsPluginManager and it calls QgsPluginManager methods via
> QgsPluginManagerInterface.
> Code:
> http://hub.qgis.org/projects/quantum-gis/repository/revisions/5ee09d362148c411047a0fc7bc22679d9989f771/show/python/pyplugin_installer
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