[Qgis-developer] QGIS 2.0 and beyond

Matthias Kuhn matthias.kuhn at gmx.ch
Tue May 28 13:33:06 PDT 2013

For me there is mainly one thing (feature) is missing for QGIS 2.0: The 
upgrade to the new PyQt API (aka. SIP API V2) I would really not want 
to see a QGIS 2.0 without this update. I really hope, that this is 
going to be taken care of by someone.
We could also look for sponsors to make this more attractive. I 
remember Martin announced once, that he'll be looking into this again, 
but I don't know if this is still valid.

Apart from this, I agree, that releasing QGIS with blockers is not a 
good idea, but also remember, that not every bug which is tagged as a 
blocker necessarily really is a blocker so we might decide to downgrade 

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