[Qgis-developer] How to move (dinamically or not) a raster with pyQgis

Geo DrinX geodrinx at gmail.com
Fri Nov 22 00:20:02 PST 2013

Hello all,

I need to move raster layers in QGis of a specific delta X Y, all together,
or singularly.

They will be ECW, GeoTIFF, and also Tif +tfw .

My problem is:   the raster layer(s) need to move without rewrite them on
disk, but only changing in some way (that I want to discover with your
help) dinamically the origin, possibly using pyQGis programming.

There is some access to (something like)  "rlayer.origin.x, y'   to change
them ?

Thank you in advance to any info about it

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