[Qgis-developer] Custom SRS in qGis2

Marica Landini bulma at ferrara.linux.it
Mon Nov 25 13:00:02 PST 2013

dear developers,
we need to add our custom SRS in qGis2, in order to build the right call to
our WMS with the correct EPSG,
for example:
until the version 1.8 we added manually in qGis our EPSG:202003
specifications accessing directly to the apps/qgis/resources/srs.db:

-- EPSG:202003
insert into tbl_srs ( srs_id, description,  projection_acronym,
ellipsoid_acronym,  parameters,  srid,  auth_name,  auth_id,  is_geo,
values( 10271, 'Monte Mario / UTMRER - ESRI', 'tmerc', 'intl',
'+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=9 +k=0.9996 +x_0=500053.0 +y_0=-3999820.0
+ellps=intl +units=m +no_defs',  202003, 'EPSG', '202003', 0, 0);

we have done the same in qGis2 but still our EPSG:202003 it is not visible
in the list of available SRS in qGis2.

the question is?
-          how the list of available SRS is created when qGis starts?
-          is it possible to access to that list adding a “custom” EPSG
specifications ? (note that the qGis “Custom SR” functionality is not
enough for us, because then the call to WMS would be done with the value of
the parameter CRS=USER:100001 (for example) that it is not accepted by our
WMS server)

of course would be nice that the call to the WMS with a “Custom SR” with
the “name” (field “description” or  fields “auth_name”+”:”+“auth_id”) of
the SR and not with the “USER:”+auth_id, as actually is. this would solve
our problem of adding manually our SR in the srs.db.

thanks in advance,

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Marica Landini
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