[Qgis-developer] Shortcut changes in QGIS; call for opinions

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Thu Nov 28 07:33:45 PST 2013


I think the confirmation messages are mainly from a time where there was
no undo possibility available. Assuming that the undo works properly I
am ok that the confirmation message is suppressed.

Alternatively we could ask for confirmation if there is more than one
feature deleted.

Regarding backspace and delete: ArcMap has an easy situation as it only
supports Windows where there is always a del-key. We have to support
multiple platforms. Some keyboards (e.g. Macintosh) do not provide a del
key - on those keyboards the del-key has to be emulated with
fn-backspace which is not very efficient and can't be triggered with one

+1 for the additional confirmation when removing one or more layers -
because there is no undo for that! If there were an undo I would not mind.

Thank you for bringing up this issues - wonder what the other users
think - esp. the OSX users.


Am 28.11.2013 16:11, schrieb A Huarte:
> Hi, I would know objections in order to change some shortcut keys in QGIS desktop.
> + Delete selected features in map canvas -> DEL key without ask for confirmation.
>    Now QGIS ask for confirmation first.
>    Other GIS app desktops, Arcmap, gvSIG.... use DEL key.
> + Delete selected features in attribute table -> DEL key without ask for confirmation.
>    Now QGIS uses Ctrl+D shortcut and ask for confirmation first.
>    Other GIS app desktops, Arcmap, gvSIG.... use DEL key. 
> + Remove selected node of a feature -> 'backspace' key without ask for confirmation.
>    Now QGIS uses DEL key, and similarly 'backspace' already deletes a node when drawing a feature.
> + Remove layer from legend -> Ctrl+D with ask for confirmation.
>    Now QGIS does not ask for confirmation.
> Our purpose is to standardize these keys and avoid unnecessary and continuous confirmation messages in an edit session (You can easily undo the removal using the UNDO option menu or Ctrl+Z shortcut).
> You can see the current discussion in:
> http://hub.qgis.org/issues/9094
> Thank you very much!
> Regards
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