[Qgis-developer] Issues with GRASS plugin

Giovanni Manghi giovanni.manghi at faunalia.pt
Tue Apr 1 12:20:17 PDT 2014

> I open a raster, click on Edit grass region, change just the resolution,
> then I run r.slope - > the resulting map has the resolution of the input
> dtm, not that defined in the previous step.

weird, now I can confirm too.

> If I add a vector from GRASS plugin>Toolbox>Browser, with double click
> or right click -> add to map, I get individual topolayers (1_polygon,
> topo_point, topo_line, topo_node).

here crashes qgis

> From QGIS browser, I get a double entry for grass locations (one as a
> folder, one as grass layers). The first does not show data, the second
> does not allow the loading of the whole layer, but only of individual
> topolayers.
> It used to behave properly.

yes I see both, and only individual layers can be loaded

> does it show also topolayers?


> Moreover, creating a location from qgis extent fails.
> GRASS 6.4.3-3 and QGIS 2.2 on Debian sid, and standalone on Windows.

weird again, this seems to work here.

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