[Qgis-developer] QGIS processing tools for transit and traffic

Vincent TINET v.tinet at agam.org
Tue Apr 22 00:27:53 PDT 2014

I would be happy to have my scripts easily available to the community, but I wonder how would they be maintained or new scripts added ? Would I have to make pull requests on the main QGIS repository ? I guess I could keep my repository for sample data and some documentation.


De : Victor Olaya [mailto:volayaf at gmail.com]
Envoyé : mardi 22 avril 2014 08:02
À : Vincent TINET
Cc : qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org
Objet : Re: [Qgis-developer] QGIS processing tools for transit and traffic


They all look great! I was thinking about adding them as example scripts to add to the current ones, but I think they are too complex to be used as examples. However, we can maybe add them in a separate section of Transit algorithms, so they are available for all Processing users. What do you think?

2014-04-21 13:34 GMT+02:00 Vincent TINET <v.tinet at agam.org<mailto:v.tinet at agam.org>>:
Hello to everyone.

I’ve created some processing scripts for transit and traffic analysis. They are available at this git repository : https://github.com/chourmo/QGIS-Transit-tools.git

This scripts are working on my data, but may need some testing. This is why I first announce them on this mailing list before doing it in the qgis user list.

It is possible :
- to make a network layer from a GTFS folder, add transfer points and connect to a road network at park-and-ride points
- find shortest times at all network nodes (transit or road) from a layer of start points and then make contour or buffers

I’ve tried to document as much and clearly as possible my scripts, and I’ve added some base data to test the scripts. Some more scripts will be added when I’ll find some time : draw shortest path (transit and road), road speed (curvature, slope, crossing, congestion), contour making, some graph statistics…

My goal is to have zero external dependency. I’ve extensively used qgis network analysis, which is quite fast to use but not that simple to use. I’ll make a separate mail to propose some change.

I hope those scripts will be useful to the qgis community.

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