[Qgis-developer] Documentation for QGIS server

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Thu Dec 11 01:47:27 PST 2014

Hi Daniel,

Am 2014-12-11 08:51, schrieb Daniel Scholten:
> Dear QGIS developers,
> I want to use QGIS-Server to
> * create a WMS and a WFS,

This should be possible.

> * perform some GIS analysis on-the-fly within my interactive online
> map to dynamically create new layers and

This does not work out of the box. Will require some serverside 
scripting. QGIS server is not yet a WPS server.

> * enable users of my online map to manipulate some stored geodata.

This depends on your client. QGIS server support WFS edits, but the QGIS 
Web Client does not support editing. I heard that Lizmap supports it. Or 
maybe you have another client.


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