[Qgis-developer] Rendering feature symbol when feature is not visible

Jordi Torres jtorresfabra at gmail.com
Mon Feb 24 06:35:00 PST 2014

Hi all,

I'm trying to render marker symbols that are bigger than the feature
geometry bounding box. When the feature is not visible (because it is out
of the current extent) the symbol isn't rendered.

I think the code in the draw method of qgsvectorlayer.cpp is:

QgsFeatureIterator fit = getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest()

rendererContext.extent() )

                                        .setSubsetOfAttributes( attributes ) );

Ok, this is a expected behaviour, but is there anyway (using C++ API) to
change this behaviour without extending QgsVectorLayer?  I suppose that if
I could pass the renderContext with the whole layer extent it would do the

Any suggestions or ideas?

Thanks in advance.

Jordi Torres
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