[Qgis-developer] Regarding Development For QGis

Kshitij Kansal kansal.k at gmail.com
Wed Jan 8 11:26:37 PST 2014

Hello Sir

Thank you very much for the reply and suggestions.

As suggested by you, I have found a bug to solve (
http://hub.qgis.org/issues/9290). I was going through the source code and
the documentation provided, but things are clear to me only in "Bits and
I am not able to relate them.

Is there some way anyone can help me get through this?

I feel that once I am able to understand the *overall flow *of the code,
then I will be able to solve a lot more bugs.


Kshitij Kansal

Lab For Spatial Informatics,

IIIT Hyderabad

On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 12:38 PM, Tim Sutton <lists at linfiniti.com> wrote:

> Hi Kshitij
> Contributing is very easy - find something that doest work as you thing it
> should and make a fix for it and submit a pull request via github. I
> suggest to do small tweaks and improvements while you get familiar with the
> code and while the community gets used to working with you. There are also
> many open tickets in out bug queue at http://hub.qgis.org - it would be
> great if you can find some to resolve for us.
> Have fun and welcome to the QGIS community!
> Regards
> Tim
> On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 11:02 PM, Kshitij Kansal <kansal.k at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am a Computer Science Undergrad Student in India, currently in my third
>> year of study. I am good at C, C++, python, Web2py. I am doing research in
>> "Time Series Analysis of Spatial Data". My work is mostly centered around
>> satellite imagery.
>> I have been using Qgis for quite sometime now and feel that now I can
>> contribute towards its development. I tried to install Qgis from source
>> code by cloning it from the Qgis repository in Fedora 18 but faced a lot of
>> dependency issues. So I switched to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, and tried the same
>> thing, but there was some error in the latest code. So I installed it from
>> the release prior to the latest one and was successful in doing that. After
>> I reported the bug in this mailing list only, it was rectified. So my
>> status at present is that I have Qgis installed from source code on my
>> machine.
>> Is there someway I can contribute in this community? If yes, do let me
>> know how can I start given that I have good background in C/C++ and Python
>> programming.
>> Thanking You,
>> Kshitij Kansal
>> Lab For Spatial Informatics,
>> IIIT Hyderabad
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> --
> Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member
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