[Qgis-developer] QGIS Server SLD GetStyles method bug?

Marco Hugentobler marco.hugentobler at sourcepole.ch
Thu Jan 9 01:36:27 PST 2014

 >A quick question: where are the API docs for the mapserver part?

Don't know much about the public API docs, but my guess is that only the 
parts exposed via the public plugin API are present.


On 09.01.2014 09:58, Alessandro Pasotti wrote:
> 2014/1/9 Marco Hugentobler <marco.hugentobler at sourcepole.ch 
> <mailto:marco.hugentobler at sourcepole.ch>>
>     Hi Alessandro
>     Pull request is applied. Good work!
> Thank you Marco for reviewing my code!
>     One thing I noticed is that QgsProjectParser::getStyles uses
>     QgsProjectParser::mapLayerFromTypeName. Like that, the styles are
>     only returned for layers published as WFS. Is that intentional?
>     Otherwise, QgsProjectParser::mapLayerFromStyle might be a better
>     option, as it returns the layers published via WMS.
> No, it was not intentional, I will correct it.
> A quick question: where are the API docs for the mapserver part?
> I've found only this unofficial docs:
> http://fossies.org/dox/qgis-2.0.1/classQgsSLDParser.html
> -- 
> Alessandro Pasotti
> w3: www.itopen.it <http://www.itopen.it>

Dr. Marco Hugentobler
Sourcepole -  Linux & Open Source Solutions
Weberstrasse 5, CH-8004 Zürich, Switzerland
marco.hugentobler at sourcepole.ch http://www.sourcepole.ch
Technical Advisor QGIS Project Steering Committee

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