[Qgis-developer] attribute table issues

Bernhard Ströbl bernhard.stroebl at jena.de
Mon Jan 13 02:45:15 PST 2014

Am 13.01.2014 11:35, schrieb Régis Haubourg:
> Hi there,
> as feature freeze is coming, I raise an issue i didn't find in the lists or
> in the tracker.
> When working with attribute table, I had many problems on a classical use
> case. I just explore attribute table, filter, order, and then select lines,
> and zoom on the map.
> - selection of lines is very slow even for small tables. Do we need to
> trigger redraws when the selected features are not in current canvas?
> Anyway, selecting/ unselecting is to slow
> - selected line(s) are grey, and my eyes can't see a difference with other
> non selected lines. I liked old blue 1.x color.

How about using the selection color?


> - When selecting a set of feature (using maps tools or expression), my first
> idea is to explore the selected fetaures one by one. So I click on one and
> then will zoom on the feature, but this refreshes current selection. When
> displaying only selected items, I loose then my set of selected objects.
> What is the right workflow? Is there a way to convert a manual selection set
> into a filter? Or could we add a contextual click to 'zoom on the feature',
> not modifying current selection?
> Tell me if I need to open tickets or if someone is already on it.
> Cheers,
> Régis
> --
> View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/attribute-table-issues-tp5097703.html
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