[Qgis-developer] Stress about release plans

Zoltan Szecsei zoltans at geograph.co.za
Mon Jul 21 09:19:24 PDT 2014

On 2014/07/21 17:35, Lene Fischer wrote:
> Hi,
> This is not a mail about bugs or issues on a special feature -- just a 
> matter of time.
> What if we had :
> ·A long term stable version for ex. 12 months with bugfix only
> ·A developer version for 4 months with new features and bugfixes => 
> Stable version with short bugfix-period => New developer........
I am not a contributing developer, so my feelings are just that: "mine" 
- and perhaps not that of the QGIS-DEV community, but:

    What if you created a resource for downloading from, and told your
    students that that is the only version that they be allowed to
    download use for your course?

Yes, this way may still not assist you with bugs you find after the 
start of your course and perhaps end of support for that particular 
version, but I think part of the appeal of QGIS is that bug fixes and 
features "arrive all the time" - and this way you have the possibility 
of begging for priority of an issue that particularly affects you.

You may be lucky, and there is definite merit in a planned release 
sequence rather like Ubuntu Linux, but maybe it is a question of regular 

I'd be interested in the responses form the QGIS community, but perhaps 
we should choose a list and not cross-post every response.
(I have not cross posted this to qgis-user)


> I do know it will give the developers more work -- I do know it will 
> cost more money -- But I´m sure a lot of administrators will 
> recommend,  use and support if we get a more stable environment.
> So please -- consider another release plan in the future.
> Regards
> *Lene Fischer*
> Associate Professor
> *Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management*
> University of Copenhagen
> MOB +45 40115084
> lfi at ign.ku.dk <mailto:lfi at ign.ku.dk>
> SCIENCE_bomaerke_UK
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Zoltan Szecsei PrGISc [PGP0031]
Geograph (Pty) Ltd.
GIS and Photogrammetric Services

P.O. Box 7, Muizenberg 7950, South Africa.

Mobile: +27-83-6004028
Fax:    +27-86-6115323     www.geograph.co.za

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