[Qgis-developer] Share some of my Processing Scripts

kimaidou kimaidou at gmail.com
Mon Jun 2 01:52:19 PDT 2014

Hi all

Victor, thanks for your review, I will modify the scripts as soon as

Sharing scripts raises some questions :

* How can we categorize the scripts to help the users find one particular
among the many potential scripts that will be shared ? The "group" can
help, but any script writer can at present use the group he wants to. For
example, I used "3liz - Database" or "3liz - Vector", etc which makes sense
for me, but surely not for other users.

* How do we assure that the user has got the last version of each script ?
As proposed before, I think some "git magic" could help.

* Because it is more easy to create or modifiy, I usually create "scripts".
We could on the contrary "force" people who share scripts to use the
capability of Processing to integrate external algo via "provider". This
supposes to create a plugin for a set of scripts, which is more
complicated. But this would answer some of the questions above, for example
"how do we update the scripts", because QGIS plugin architecture would do
the job. I would also allow the user to temporarilly disable a set of
script (by disabling the corresponding plugin).

IMHO we should not add more plugins for sharing scripts, but instead use
the same architecture : we could have a new Processing sub-menu
"Manage/Install external scripts and models" which would show a similar
interface as the plugin manager, and similar features : tagging, vote,
categories, descriptions, etc.

I confess sharing my scripts had a double objective :
* share them :)
* begin a discussion about the future workflow to share scripts and


2014-06-02 1:27 GMT+02:00 Giovanni Manghi <giovanni.manghi at faunalia.pt>:

> > - Contour : make contours around points at levels (based on the contour
> plugin)
> > - Buffer contour : make and merge circular buffer around points at levels
> > - Points at crossing / touching lines : make a point layer where lines
> cross or touch each other (2 scripts)
> > - Fill holes : remove holes in polygons under a certain area
> > - Remove parts : delete parts in multi polygons under a certain area
> > - cut by field : cut one polygon layer by another when 2 polygons share
> a field value
> very nice both sets of scripts! why not adding them into processing?
> cheers!
> -- G --
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