[Qgis-developer] Incoeherent behavior in selecting layesr in add Postgis and spatialite Layer Dialogs

Alexandre Neto senhor.neto at gmail.com
Mon Jun 9 08:49:21 PDT 2014


On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 11:26 AM, Alexandre Neto <senhor.neto at gmail.com>

> While translating the Help from add Postgis Layer, I realized that the
> layer selection behavior is not according.
> The help says that one needs to hold Ctrl-key to be able to select\add
> more than one table, yet in the current behavior every selection is kept
> when another layer is clicked.
> On the other hand, Add Spatialite Layer Dialog, the Ctrl-key is needed to
> select more than one layer.
> This happens in both 2.2 and master
> Should I open a ticket?
> Alexandre Neto
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