[Qgis-developer] QGIS Crash - Serious problem in 2x

Jorge Tornero - Listas jtorlistas at gmail.com
Tue Jun 24 03:45:49 PDT 2014

Hello all,

Sorry Matthias I didn't replied properly before to the list, I guess you 
have seen my message later in the list.

Anyway, my point about this is just:

Is QGIS able to add a scalebar to a map in the units "academically 
correct"? It looks like the answer is 'yes' --> COOL!!

Is QGIS able to add a scalebar to a map in **whatever unit** the user 
(of QGIS) wants to, for reasons X, Y or Z? The answer seems also to be 
'yes' --> COOL!!

is QGIS Composer scalebar improveable in many ways? Certainly!!

Look, maybe a nice improvement is make a real **whatever unit** work!!! 
I mean not just meters, feet, NM but also user-defined units. This would 
be nice for those who use QGIS for astronomy-related work, for instance, 
or as micro-GIS... Same should be appliable for mesaurement... just 
dreaming a little...

And, answering to Bernhard about

> If your map is in degrees just enable the graticules and (if useful) 
> add a scalebar in m/km/miles (does that work with degrees?

Yes, you can do it (wgs and CRS on the fly on): See the picture in


(Sorry I uploaded it to flickr and QGIS showcase but don't know why it 
doesn't show at all)

Best regards,

Jorge Tornero

El 24/06/14 11:06, Bernhard Ströbl escribió:
> Hi Matthias,
> probably this is academical...
> Am 24.06.2014 10:42, schrieb Matthias Kuhn:
>> Hi Bernhard,
>> I wouldn't say no sense at all. It strongly depends on the context, but
>> if you have for example a lesson for geography students and are
>> introducing CRS/projections and their properties one could want to add a
>> scale bar in degrees.
> But would that scalebar show the degrees for lon or lat?
> If the first (lon) for which latitude?
> Either of the two: how do you want to tell people that this scalebar 
> is only true for North-South (lat) or East-West (lon) measurements and 
> must not be used in any other direction? IMHO a scale bar is to enable 
> readers to use their ruler to measure a distance on the map in _any_ 
> direction.
>> I agree that it's not very common and most people
>> are probably unused, but if you explicitly state the fact that the map
>> is in degrees you might even avoid confusion and prevent people from
>> trying to compare distances.
> But adding a scale bar encourages users to compare distances! The fact 
> that a map is suitable to measure and compare distances is not decided 
> by the map units but by the used projection and the covered area. If 
> your map is in degrees just enable the graticules and (if useful) add 
> a scalebar in m/km/miles (does that work with degrees? I have not 
> tried. If not this would be a feature request.)
> BTW: for which point of a map is the scale bar currently created 
> (thinking of non-distance-true projections and large areas e.g. 
> continents)?
> regards
> Bernhard
>> Best,
>> Matthias
>> On 24.06.2014 10:24, Bernhard Ströbl wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> IMHO a scale bar in degrees doesn't make sense at all apart from being
>>> unused to readers of the map. Because one degree in latitude is always
>>> (uhmm if I recall correctly) 110 km, in longitude this is only true
>>> for the equator, the closer you get to the poles the less km per
>>> degree in longitude (until 0 at the pole itself). If you display only
>>> a small part of the earth you migth manage with two scale bars
>>> (lon/lat) but how would you imagine a scale bar for e.g. north America?
>>> Bernhard
>>> Am 24.06.2014 10:07, schrieb Jorge Tornero - Listas:
>>>> Hi, Ted, Matthias and all,
>>>> If you enable CRS transform on-the-fly, meter/feet/NM scales can be
>>>> shown in WGS84 projects.
>>>> About what Matthias said in
>>>>> Concerning the scale-bar issue. I think, that one should always be
>>>>> allowed to show a scale-bar, but that the units need to match with 
>>>>> the
>>>>> one in the projection, so in the case of WGS84, the units should be
>>>>> degrees.
>>>> In my opinion, despite this is completely true from a formal point of
>>>> view, sometimes you need scales in 'real world' units just to make
>>>> possible for people to understand your maps. For the most of the 
>>>> people
>>>> I know that see my little work it makes no sense a scale in degrees 
>>>> (in
>>>> fact, they could have it in the grid labels) but a scale in nautical
>>>> miles (or whatever) makes sense inmediatly for them, even if it is not
>>>> accurate. So, providing that the person who is making the map should
>>>> know what he/she is doing, it is nice for the user to have the
>>>> possibility to show the scale in whatever units he wants. Maybe it 
>>>> could
>>>> be corrected just using a projection (I guess that's the proper way),
>>>> but sometimes it leads to "weird" (in the sense of people is used 
>>>> to see
>>>> *their geography* in a determinate way) maps which somehow annoy 
>>>> people.
>>>> All the best,
>>>> Jorge Tornero
>>>> El 24/06/14 08:59, Matthias Kuhn escribió:
>>>>> Hi Ted,
>>>>> I don't get a crash here (Linux/latest prerelease). It would be much
>>>>> appreciated if you could follow Richards advice for 
>>>>> testing/reporting.
>>>>> Concerning the scale-bar issue. I think, that one should always be
>>>>> allowed to show a scale-bar, but that the units need to match with 
>>>>> the
>>>>> one in the projection, so in the case of WGS84, the units should be
>>>>> degrees.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Matthias
>>>>> On 24.06.2014 08:29, Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Ted,
>>>>>> I'm not on Win, but if possible can you test this with latest 
>>>>>> release
>>>>>> candidates, see
>>>>>> http://qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/development/index.html#location-of-prereleases-nightly-builds 
>>>>>> and if that one is crashing, please file an issue:
>>>>>> http://qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/development/index.html#bugs-features-and-issues 
>>>>>> Current dev version has a lot of changes under the hood, but also an
>>>>>> awfull lot of fixes!
>>>>>> So please test the latest version and let us know if that crashes 
>>>>>> also
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Richard Duivenvoorde
>>>>>> On 24-06-14 01:30, Ted wrote:
>>>>>>> forgot,
>>>>>>> using Windows OS
>>>>>>> Win 7 Professional x64
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Ted
>>>>>>> On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 7:27 AM, Ted <tiruchirapalli at gmail.com
>>>>>>> <mailto:tiruchirapalli at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>>       Hi Developers
>>>>>>>       Encountered a very serious problem, looks like this issue is
>>>>>>> there
>>>>>>>       in 2.x
>>>>>>>       Ways to reproduce;
>>>>>>>       1. Add a world boundary shp file in wgs84 (you can use other
>>>>>>> files too)
>>>>>>> http://thematicmapping.org/downloads/world_borders.php
>>>>>>>       2. Open the print composer, add a new map
>>>>>>>       3. add scale bar
>>>>>>>       4. close the composer, return back
>>>>>>>       5 remove the layer from layer list
>>>>>>>       6. boom, qgis crash
>>>>>>>       hope you can fix this soon, thanks
>>>>>>>       The scale bar issue
>>>>>>>       1. When a file is degree (wgs84), the scale-bar in print
>>>>>>> composer is
>>>>>>>       useless since its trying to use the map unit.
>>>>>>>       2. Its logical that, in map composer its always linear map
>>>>>>> unit as
>>>>>>>       in meter, feet, km, etc
>>>>>>>       3. using qgis in schools and this pose a serious issue, since
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>       users dont understand projection etc.
>>>>>>>       4. the expected behavior is, immaterial of underlying
>>>>>>> projection the
>>>>>>>       scale-bar should have the option to use linear map unit,
>>>>>>> specially
>>>>>>>       meters, km, mile
>>>>>>>       5. read in stackexchange, this is a known issue. hope the dev
>>>>>>>       community can help to fix this one.
>>>>>>>       thanks a lot.
>>>>>>>       hurt my fingers, not able to type proper :(
>>>>>>>       cheers
>>>>>>>       ted
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