[Qgis-developer] Renaming Save Style -> Save Properties (Vector layer dialog)

Nathan Woodrow madmanwoo at gmail.com
Sat Mar 1 03:52:02 PST 2014

Hey Zoltan,

That pretty much is a thread hijack.  Please start a new thread, and maybe
open a ticket for the feature request, which is a good one by the way.

- Nathan

On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 9:16 PM, Zoltan Szecsei <zoltans at geograph.co.za>wrote:

>  On 2014/03/01 12:38, Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> Hey all,
>  I would like to get some opinions on Save, Load, Restore Default Style..
> buttons.  Personally I find these labeled wrong for what action they take.
>  Originally these buttons would only save the information from the Style
> tab out to a .qml file however now that has evolved to saving other
> information that is not related to style, things like;:the edit forms;
> included WMS, excluded WMS, etc.   To me these are more properties of the
> layer and less about the style so the name is misleading.  Sharing these
> also becomes hard because if I only want the style part it can also
> override the label and form settings I have.  Hand editing the XML is the
> only real option to remove the other settings, which is a pain
>  Proposing: Rename from Save, Load Style to Save Properties, Load
> Properties.
>  Motivation:  I would like to add the ability to save just the style
> information out to a new file type (maybe something like .qstyle) that
> would just contain the renderer-v2 XML block.  This would allow sharing of
> just the renderer style and would also give me the ability to expand the
> Style Manager to allow saving of prebuilt styles e.g I would like to
> premake a planning scheme style that all ready contains the right values to
> symbols that I could share and load.     By Mixing non style information in
> the .qml files means this is not as simple as it could be.
>  We could also expand the above logic to only save the label section out
> to create a label "style" manager.
>  Thoughts?
>  - Nathan
> _______________________________________________
> Qgis-developer mailing listQgis-developer at lists.osgeo.orghttp://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-developer
>  Hi All,
> Please treat this as "thread enhancing" and not "thread hijacking"  :-)
> If there are going to be modifications done to styling, please consider
> adding a feature whereby the various styles chosen or experimented with,
> are auto-saved for that mapsheet (perhaps in your project files).
> I find when editing, edge-matching or QAing various mapsheets, I want to
> easily switch between styles - I might choose "single symbol" for the map I
> am editing, but "rule-based" for the adjoining maps. Rule based choices
> would change depending on scenarios, so it does not make sense to save a
> rule-based set (I could end up with too many).
> So, what I am seeking is the ability to switch between the 5 style
> categories, and not lose the ones I may have set up a few minutes ago. If I
> close QGIS, and come back to the project later, I would like to see the
> last styles I had set up for a mapsheet, still be available when I click
> through the style options.
> Hope I'm making myself clear.
> Thanks & regards,
> Zoltan
> --
> ===========================================
> Zoltan Szecsei PrGISc [PGP0031]
> Geograph (Pty) Ltd.
> GIS and Photogrammetric Service
> P.O. Box 7, Muizenberg 7950, South Africa.
> Mobile: +27-83-6004028
> Fax:    +27-86-6115323     www.geograph.co.za
> ===========================================
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