[Qgis-developer] Common QGIS Plugin configuration accross multiple Linux users

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Sun Mar 9 12:27:45 PDT 2014

> ~/.qgis2
> and 
> ~/.config/QGIS
> You could e.g. rsync the user plugin dirs from a central one, or put
> them in an nfs mount (read only might have issues as plugins try to
> write .pyc files or even write data to the plugin dir).
> The ~/.config/QGIS/QGIS2.conf is a standard ini style config file so you
> should be able to pick through it and awk/sed/bash your way to nirvana :-)

I'm actually thinking about to make this OS independent, by creating a
'save QSettings' as file option. Then with a command line option you
would be able to (just before reading the QSettings) actually read/write
this settings file back into user settings. Thereby making it possible
to for example transfer a certain setup across a class room (as long as
the plugins are available in .qgis2 off cours).

Would this work? Or do I miss something?


Richard Duivenvoorde

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