[Qgis-developer] QuickWKT and Zoom to Layer Extent

Casper Børgesen (CABO) CABO at NIRAS.DK
Fri Mar 21 01:57:43 PDT 2014

I have some issues with QuickWKT and Zoom to Layer Extent.

Example WKT: POLYGON ((518036.41 6264805.47,518056.41 6264805.47,518056.41 6264825.47,518036.41 6264825.47,518036.41 6264805.47))

When I right click the layer and select Zoom to Layer Extent, it zooms very far out even though I can manually zoom in to the coordinates and see the rectangle.

This is using QGIS 2.2.0 - can anyone confirm this?

Regards, Casper
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