[Qgis-developer] Code Sprint agenda

Anita Graser anitagraser at gmx.at
Mon Mar 24 10:49:54 PDT 2014


Thanks for sharing Paolo!

My tasklist for this week is:

* Processing bughunt
* Expand Human Interface Guidelines
* Write user group guidelines
* UX bug/issue hunting, e.g. layer properties style dialog

Just come by if you want to chime in.

Best wishes,

Am 24.03.2014, 11:32 Uhr, schrieb Paolo Cavallini <cavallini at faunalia.it>:

> Hi all.
> This is my agenda for the just started Code Sprint (AKA HackFest):
> * better management of sponsor and donor lists
> * translation of lizmap
> * setup a procedure for a more reliable and timely plugin approval
> * help implementing the repository for symbols
> * help improving course material: manual, data, Python examples.
> Anyone willing to collaborate on this, either in presence or remotely,
> is welcome.
> All the best.


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