[Qgis-developer] 2.6: first overview
Mathieu Pellerin
nirvn.asia at gmail.com
Sun Nov 2 16:07:48 PST 2014
With regards to point 1 & 2, you would increase the chance of those issues
being fixed (and help QGIS) by filing tickets at hub.qgis.org . Be as
descriptive as you can, provide steps to reproduce what affects you; that
should be enough to get a developer to look into it. Sample data source &
project file leading to issue a bonus.
On 3 Nov 2014 05:16, "Niccolò Marchi" <sciurusurbanus at hotmail.it> wrote:
> Hi all,
> just few things I'm experiencing with 2.6:
> -
> *Attribute Table*: modifying the content of a cell, it needs to save
> and reopen the table to see it updated...normal behaviour?
> -
> *Crash*: different types. Usually closing the project, QGIS ends up
> with a minidump or the MS error window "The software stopped to work etc
> etc". This happens closing .qgs from 2.2 with or without saving to 2.6
> version. Sometimes also while working. Attached you can find the .dmp
> (shall I upload them? I don't know how to deal with). Actually it's a quite
> annoying issue...
> -
> *Corrupt layers*: the table appears but double-clicking the source it
> doesn't open the explorer as in 2.2; it only allows to modify the folder
> destination as text. Is that the new behavior?
> -
> *Translation **(**ITA**)*: just few oversights:
> -
> color selection panel: "incolla co*ll*ore"
> -
> modify widget properties: "il widget di *modica* può..."
> Is there anyone with the same issues? I'm working with W8.1 64bit and
> QGIS standalone.
> As always: thank you all for your work!
> All the best,
> Nic
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