[Qgis-developer] QGIS web client not displaying full WMS extent

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Wed Nov 5 04:27:30 PST 2014

Hi Stefan,

Unfortunately I don't have the time to look further into the issue. Did 
you have a look at the WMS requests that QGIS is creating? Maybe this 
helps a bit.

I am fortunate enough to work in just one projection system ...


On 04.11.2014 22:48, Blumentrath, Stefan wrote:
> Hi Andreas,
> Thanks for your reply, and sorry for the confusion. It is indeed a 
> "QGIS as a WMS client" issue.
> I now tested with different CRS which the WMS uses, 
> namely EPSG:25833,32633,and 4326.
> I added one layer for each CRS and then stepwise changed my project CRS.
> With my QGIS project in WGS84 all data of the layer WGS84 layer is 
> displayed properly (however in a form which is little suitable for map 
> production), while EPSG:25833 layer only showed the lower left quarter 
> of the map and 32633 had the "clipped" data extent mentioned.
> Then I switched to EPSG:25833. Here for the WGS84 layer and the 
> EPSG:25833 layer only the lower left quarter of the map is visible, 
> and the EPSG:32633 layer had again the clipped extent. Zoom-to-layer 
> on the EPSG:25833 resulted in a 1:35Mio scale while zoom-to-layer on 
> the EPSG:32633 layer resulted in a 1:10Mio scale...
> Switching the project to 32633 gave the same result as the project in 
> 25833.
> Here I also noticed that on-the-fly projection was activated when 
> switchen forth and back between layers...
>  So, it seems indeed somehow related to CRS, do you have a second or 
> third thing you would check?
> Does the server send different data for different CRS? Or is it 
> something else?
> Cheers
> Stefan

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