[Qgis-developer] QGIS 2.6 - Open postgis raster: decimal separator problem?

Giovanni Manghi giovanni.manghi at faunalia.pt
Fri Nov 14 02:24:36 PST 2014

> Hi devs,
> I'm unable to open Postgis rasters using the default language setting,
> which is pt_PT.UTF-8 in my case. By overriding language settings, I can
> open Postgis rasters. Maybe something related with the decimal_point
> setting in LC_NUMERIC?
> I didn't find any bug related with this issue. Can some else confirm
> this problem? Should I submit a bug?
> How to reproduce the problem (if decimal_point == ',' and not '.'):

it may be unrelated, but I recall a ticket about systems (Windows in
that case) were using the "," instead of "." for decimal separator
cause(d) issues at many levels. I can't find the ticket now and I
can't remember if the issue was fixed or not.


Giovanni Manghi
Sistemas de Informação Geográfica Open Source

Web: http://www.faunalia.pt
Email & Jabber: giovanni.manghi at faunalia.pt
PGP Key available
Tel. + 351 96 7058216

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