[Qgis-developer] PyQt4.QtCore.QVariant represents a mapped type and cannot be instantiated
Mark Coletti
mcoletti at gmail.com
Thu Oct 2 09:03:32 PDT 2014
On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 5:06 PM, Gary Sherman <gsherman at geoapt.com> wrote:
> On 10/1/14 12:55 PM, Mark Coletti wrote:
>> I'm writing a qgis python plugin and have encountered a curious
>> problem. I've successfully tested the plugin's dialog standalone via
>> ipython. However, I get the following error when I try to execute the
>> same code from within qgis: "PyQt4.QtCore.QVariant represents a mapped
>> type and cannot be instantiated".
> Your answer is here: http://hub.qgis.org/wiki/
> quantum-gis/Python_plugin_API_changes_from_18_to_20
> QVariant is no longer present in QGIS since we use the sip 2.0 api.
> Use regular strings rather than a QVariant.
I'm posting a follow up here on the odd chance that someone else has the
same problem and greps for it on this mailing list. I'm relatively new to
python-based qgis plugins, and found that most of the extant documentation
for PyQt was for sip 1.0 api; and, worse yet, there was no mention that
there were two versions. So it's very, very easy for a newbie to fall into
the same trap I did.
First, the link you provided was helpful except with regards to situations
where a **null, or empty, QVariant** was returned. I found that returning
empty strings and empty lists yielded all manner of strange and
counter-intuitive behavior for my table. I.e., both horizontal and
vertical headers were missing altogether, and the cells were mysteriously
populated with uncheckable check boxes. The solution was simple: return
None. I would have done that *first*, but read somewhere that that
wouldn't work. :(
So, for future reference for those wanting to do this same thing as I was,
that is creating a Qt table from a model for use within qgis, here's a
stripped down version of my class:
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore, Qt
from PyQt4.QtCore import Qt, QDateTime
from Event import Event
class Events(QtCore.QAbstractTableModel) :
# column headers
headers = ['Created', 'Name', 'Description']
def __init__(self, parent = None):
super(Events, self).__init__(parent)
self.events = []
def rowCount(self, parent=QtCore.QModelIndex()) :
return len(self.events)
def columnCount(self, parent=QtCore.QModelIndex()) :
return len(self.headers)
def data(self, index, role) :
if not index.isValid() :
return None #With sip v 1.0 used to be QVariant()
elif role != Qt.DisplayRole :
return None
if index.column() == 1 :
return self.events[index.row()].name
elif index.column() == 2 :
return self.events[index.row()].description
elif index.column() == 0 :
return None
def headerData(self, section, orientation, role):
if role == Qt.DisplayRole :
if orientation == Qt.Horizontal :
return self.headers[section]
elif orientation == Qt.Vertical :
return str(self.events[section].categoryID)
return None
def addEvent(self, categoryID, name, description = '', created = 0) :
self.events.append( Event( name, description, categoryID, created )
I did find a way to force ipython to use sip 2.0, which was particularly
useful for when I wanted to test the dialog standalone. In my
"~/.ipython/profile_default/ipython_config.py" I placed the following:
import sip
sip.setapi('QDate', 2)
sip.setapi('QDateTime', 2)
sip.setapi('QString', 2)
sip.setapi('QtextStream', 2)
sip.setapi('Qtime', 2)
sip.setapi('QUrl', 2)
sip.setapi('QVariant', 2)
except ValueError, e:
raise RuntimeError('Could not set API version (%s): did you import
PyQt4 directly?' % e)
So, while in ipython I could use the "gui qt" command and The Right Thing
would happen: sip 2.0 would be used, so I could then test within the proper
sip API context. (H/t to
Hopefully someone out there at sometime will find this useful!
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