[Qgis-developer] [HackFest] Synthesis of fTools discussion

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Sun Oct 5 01:18:35 PDT 2014

Hash: SHA1

Il 04/10/2014 17:33, Yves Jacolin ha scritto:

> # Interface improvement
> Tim worked on this for the inasafe project in order to improve ui
> in processing. There are also some possibilities to create custom
> interface for each algorithm.

IMHO the interface for most modules is almost on par right now
(Processing vs fTools), so this should not be preventing replacement.
What is probably more impacting on the final user is the arrangement
of menus, as fTools is more structured and probably easier to navigate
for those who do not know the name and use of different commands.
Maybe this could be solved with:
* alternative, more hierarchical menus, replicating fTools
arrangement; this could be added as an alternative tab, see the GRASS
plugin toolbox for an example
* as mentioned in the meeting, adding visual hints about the functions
of each module (again, a rather rough example can be found in the
GRASS toolbox), so users can understand more quickly the meaning of
each tool.
In any case, I think working for an improved Processing is more
effective than further investing in fTools.
All the best.
- -- 
Paolo Cavallini - www.faunalia.eu
QGIS & PostGIS courses: http://www.faunalia.eu/training.html
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