[Qgis-developer] Please stop spamming commit logs!

Alessandro Pasotti apasotti at gmail.com
Fri Oct 10 00:37:47 PDT 2014

2014-10-10 9:30 GMT+02:00 Andrea Peri <aperi2007 at gmail.com>:
> Hi Alessandro.
> +1 .
> Almost because I guess the Public Administration should be stop di
> wast resources in gfoss.
> :)
> So the private could use their money as like better.
> Instead the public should simply acquire licenses of commecial.
> This could resolve any problem.
> Dont ?

Well, I wasn't thinking at institutions and external sponsors.

I'm thinking to regular core committers.

Look into pull requests and you will know what I mean.

Imagine if I'd add "Funded by ItOpen bla bla bla" to all my (not yet
many) commits, if Jef added "Funded by Norbit" and Marco and others
added "Funded by Sourcepole" ...


It that what I would like to avoid.

w3:   www.itopen.it

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