[Qgis-developer] QGIS Processing Modeler - Graphical Notation

Victor Olaya volayaf at gmail.com
Mon Oct 13 15:01:22 PDT 2014


No way to change the design of objects from the interface. I am not
familiar with the subject of your thesis, but as the creator of the
Processing Modeler, I will be happy to ask questions about it, so just let
me know.


2014-10-13 21:51 GMT+02:00 Filip Hric <Filip.Hric at seznam.cz>:

> Hi all,
> I would like to ask for a couple of questions about VPL component QGIS
> Processing Modeler. The topic of my bachelor thesis at the university is
> "Evaluation of QGIS Processing Modeler according to physics of notation". I
> will evaluate diagrams created in Processing Modeler and I will use the
> theory from dr. Daniel L. Moody and outputs from eye-tracking tests. Are
> there any information about history of this VPL component? Is there any
> possibity to change design of the objects which are included in diagrams?
> Thanks
> Filip Hric
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