[Qgis-developer] QGIS certification

Trevor Wiens tsw.web at gmail.com
Tue Oct 14 08:02:15 PDT 2014

I think that certification is a good idea and that some standard training
materials tied to that make sense. On that effort I have two points.

First, I would suggest that if there is an effort to have QGIS
certification, then this should be coupled with a discussion a while back
to stable releases where effort is made on bug squashing and not new
features. The reason for this is that certification on commercial platforms
is tied to specific versions and thus companies investing in certification
for their staff will expect the same type of effort. In my mind this seems
naturally tied to an effort to put forward QGIS as a viable alternative to
commercial tools for governments, NGOs and companies.

Second, I use QGIS to teach a Intro GIS course at the University of
Calgary's Continuing Education department. Much of those materials are
targeted toward using QGIS as a means to teach GIS not the particular
features of QGIS. That said if there was an effort to setup standard QGIS
educational materials I would be willing to contribute whatever parts of
those materials that would be useful.


On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 8:31 AM, matteo <matteo.ghetta at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> as pointed out in Essen, in a (I hope quick) future there will be the
> change to some people to give official QGIS certificates.
> These people should be authorized by the "core team" and the certification
> money will go to QGIS.
> So, for example, I'm authorized and I made a course by myself with my
> company to 10 people. 3 of them are interested to have an official QGIS
> certification, they pay something and that's all, right?
> In the Internet I found this website:
> https://www.coursera.org/
> it offers courses for free with scheduled homeworks, tutorials, videos,
> data, etc...
> So I can join the class for free, attend the lessons and do all the
> quizzes and assignments. But, if I want a "Coursera" certification that
> proves that I attended successfully the course I have to pay for this
> certification (around 50 bucks).
> Do you think that this method can also fit for QGIS? I mean, maybe a
> section in the website (or somewhere else) where you can do a course and
> earn an official certificate?
> Suggestions are welcome!!
> Cheers
> Matteo
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Trevor Wiens
Apropos Information Systems
Calgary, Alberta
Ph. 403-973-5901
Fax 780-666-4580
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