[Qgis-developer] New processing manage fields algorithm

Arnaud Morvan arnaud.morvan at camptocamp.com
Mon Oct 20 07:52:24 PDT 2014

We want to create a new processing algorithm for manage table fields.

This new algorithm would have :
     one standard input layer vector parameter
     one standard output layer vector parameter

     a specific fields mapping parameter composed, in columns
         source field name (optionnal)
         destination field name
         destination type, length, precision
         expression (default to the source field name)
     the mapping would be initialized, when possible, with the input 
layer fields.

In the dialog :
     the first tab would present the normal input/output parameters and 
a button to go to the next tab
     the supplementary fields tab would contains the fields mapping

The final goal is to supply a user friendly interface to manage table 
fields :
     rename fields
     change field types
     add new fields based on expression
     change fields order
and save the result as a new file, temporary file or memory layer

What do you think about this ? Any remarks ?


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