[Qgis-developer] Which saga version in osgeo4w

Jürgen E. Fischer jef at norbit.de
Thu Oct 23 11:27:45 PDT 2014

Hi Paolo,

On Thu, 23. Oct 2014 at 19:09:04 +0200, Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> I somewhat assumed that 2.6 package in osgeo4w would be shipped with saga 2.1. To my
> surprise, I found 2.0.8 instead in the osgeo4w installer: am I correct? Wouldn't it
> be better to add the recent version?

In 64bit OSGeo4W there is 2.1 available for testing.  But the default
version is still 2.0 (as Victor already pointed out).


Jürgen E. Fischer           norBIT GmbH             Tel. +49-4931-918175-31
Dipl.-Inf. (FH)             Rheinstraße 13          Fax. +49-4931-918175-50
Software Engineer           D-26506 Norden             http://www.norbit.de
QGIS release manager (PSC)  Germany                    IRC: jef on FreeNode                         
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